Say Yes To Michigan

Located on Thunder Bay, Lake Huron, Alpena is home to the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center. Never discount the amazing sites and towns in your own state, get out and explore the sites and destinations near to you and learn why people travel to your state.

Happy Holidays!

The snow is fallling, the glint of the sun is beautiful and all is wonderful. Wishing all a happy new year and a great 2010.

‘Crazy Turtle Woman’ transforms graveyard into maternity ward

Today I have been inspired by CNN to write about protection of species. I believe that we are and should be stewards to the earth and all of its creatures. We decide now where things grow, when they grow, where they live and if they survive. Before technology, we were at mother natures mercy, today,… Continue reading ‘Crazy Turtle Woman’ transforms graveyard into maternity ward